

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Another room change happened today, still ICU: E631
Not a whole lot has changed. Still not responsive, white cell count is continuing to rise.
Love you all,


  • At January 16, 2008 4:01 PM , Anonymous donovan said...

    dougand alisha you said the cell count is cuntinuing to rise i hope that is a good sign i really care alot about andrea and i want her to get well and the rest of the family too all is well.
    love, donovan

  • At January 16, 2008 5:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Thank you for posting Andrea's condition. She and her family are in my prayers.

    Karen McCandless
    (served on the City Council with Doug)

  • At January 17, 2008 10:36 AM , Anonymous Aunt Shauna said...

    My sweet niece and nephews: You are so amazing in your devotion, honor and care for your mother. You are wonderful children and I truly pray for each of you that you will have continued strength as you serve the needs of your dear mother. I am so appreciative of the up dates now that Cathy has shown me how to read them and respond to them. I have a heavy heart a lot of the time as I love your mother very much and she has been such a good friend to me and has been so supportive in all of my family matters. I truly wish my every day work obligations allowed for more time for me to be other places where I would like to be; namely, up there with you to give you some much needed rest and change. Just know I pray for you daily and hope all the time for the miracle that we would all like to see happen. I know that Heavenly Father and many angels are guiding a lot of footsteps. I love you a lot. Aunt Shauna


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