Thank You for Fasting
Thank you Sharon Park 2nd ward for dedicating your fast to my mom. I remember 20 something years ago the ward fasting for me as I was going in for back surgery. I was blessed by the faith of the saints in the second ward, and I know that same faith will get my Mom through these tough times.
Nothing really new to write, one step forward, two steps back. Doug and I are sitting here waiting for the Doctors to come in and tell us everything is going to be O.K. That is what I am hoping for.
Love you all,
Nothing really new to write, one step forward, two steps back. Doug and I are sitting here waiting for the Doctors to come in and tell us everything is going to be O.K. That is what I am hoping for.
Love you all,
At January 14, 2008 12:14 PM ,
Amy said...
Doug and the gang , I read this message that you wrote so my prayers that I do is working because I talked to God himself and to help your Mom to feeling good and with other prayers from lots of people. I hope her health is improving. I have so much faith in all of you. Please give my love to your Mom from me . My Mom puts your Mom's name in the prayer roll when she and my Dad go working in the Temple every Monday Morning along with all of you too. I love you all so much. Remember this: Read Moroni 7:45-49 it's one of my favorite scriptures and here's another one for you to read D&C 88:118-122; D&C 88:88-91
This is my testimony through scriptures so please read these it means so to me and it will mean a lot to you too. Scriptures are so wonderful and so true. I love this Gospel and I know it's true. YOU ARE NOT ALONE BECAUSE GOD IS WITH YOU ALL AND HE'S WITH YOUR MOM TOO. Have a good week this week and stay and think positive. Love, Amy Lin Monson
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